The Resilience Project

From Silence to Strength: Sharing Stories, Empowering Voices


Our Mission

The Resilience Project is dedicated to documenting and sharing the experiences of individuals who have survived the Troubled Teen Industry. We aim to shed light on the unethical and abusive practices within this industry by compiling these powerful stories into a book. Through collecting and compiling the stories of as many survivors as we can, we aim to show that the voices of survivors cannot be silenced, and that these places cannot continue to operate without repercussions.

What is the Troubled Teen Industry?

The "troubled teen" industry (TTI) is a network of private youth programs, therapeutic boarding schools, residential treatment centers, religious academies, wilderness programs, and drug rehabilitation centers and it dates back at least 50 years. The facilities are operated by private companies, nonprofits, or faith-based groups and they promise to help youth with problems related to behavior, addiction, and eating disorders, and in some cases sexual orientation and gender identity.

Despite numerous allegations of serious abuse that date back decades, they continue to operate in a largely unregulated way.  


Join Us

We are currently looking for dedicated volunteers to join our team and make a difference in the lives of those in need. The positions of Social Media Manager, Blog Writer, and Newsletter Writer are open. If you're interested in applying for one of these positions please contact us! No prior experience needed.


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