About Us


This is our story

The Resilience Project started as an idea between 2 survivors of the troubled teen industry and 2 allies who wanted to spread more awareness of this little known issue. Spread different states and regions of the United States, we've faced more than a few challenges. Needing something to be remote-friendly as well as possible with 3 minors as heads of the project led us into a couple dead-ends before we landed on our current idea: Compiling the first hand stories of TTI survivors into a novel that can do justice to the experience, while also trying to share as many different people's accounts as possible.

Our Mission Statement

The Resilience Project's mission is to compile the powerful stories of survivors of the Troubled Teen Industry into a book that will shed light on the challenges faced by these vulnerable youth. Through this project, we seek to bring awareness to the often-overlooked struggles that these individuals have endured, and to highlight their strength and resilience in the face of adversity. With this, we hope to inspire compassion and understanding to these victims, and ensure that these important narratives are given the respect and attention they deserve. Together we can make a difference in the lives of those who have overcome unimaginable obstacles, and work towards a brighter future for all.


Meet the team


While not a survivor of the Troubled Teen Industry, Ace has been very active in advocating for the end of the Troubled Teen Industry. They have started projects in the past to spread awareness, such as the Hidden In Sight Podcast, as well as being the President of the Breaking Code Silence Club at their school.


Becca is a survivor of the Troubled Teen Industry, who has been extremely active in speaking out against the industry, and using her story to bring awareness to the events transpiring in those facilities. She is a very devoted mother and advocate, determined to speak out for a better world for her children.


Although Pom is also not a survivor of the Troubled Teen Industry, they aspire to help others through creative endeavors such as this project. Though they haven't been an activist for the troubled teen industry until this, they've been an advocate for children going through abuse.


As a survivor of the Troubled Teen Industry, Lilly has been very active in pursuing justice for those still within the system, as well as those who have been out of the system and still suffering to this day. She's worked on several projects on her own, as well as through the Unsilenced community, and is eager to continue her work and spreading awareness.

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